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Northern Gallery of Contemporary Art

The Northern Gallery of Contemporary Art contains changing exhibits from around the globe bringing in new visitors daily. Situated in the centre of Sunderland, the NGCA provides educational tours and exhibitions allowing all ages to be invited into the many exhibitions shown here.

Graham Dolphin

Graham Dolphin is a contemporary artist who mainly focuses on sculpture and drawing which were created specifically for the NGCA or done privately. With art ranging for doors covered in graffiti to a smashed guitar, Dolphin creates a range of ideas all with different meanings and stories behind them. Also, within the exhibit there was one singular wall covered with self portrait of Dolphin which were created by others. This has been on-going form 2014. 

660 Hits, 2016

Shown in the NGCA, 660 Hits, 2016 shows a video of Dolphin smashing a guitar off the floor. Later to be then seen within a glass box in the floor of the expedition with all the pieces put back together. This video was to mimic Jimi Hendrix smashing his guitars in the 60's. Dolphin smashing the guitar was to relive a moment in history where Kurt Cobain attempted rehabilitation. The fact of repairing the guitar was to show an element of repair and of past destructions within the rock industry.  

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